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BEST DANCE COMPANY - The performance group, troupe or company, within any genre of dance, that exhibits consistent, innovative and entertaining pieces of work.


DANCE STUDIO OF THE YEAR - The recital based, dance studio that produces quality dancers, educates through proper technique training and exemplifies great sportsmanship and team unity.


DANCER OF THE YEAR - The dancer (18+) that has consistently exhibited an immense amount of hard work, dedication, growth and perseverance throughout the 2024 calendar year.


OUTSTANDING JAZZ CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits creativity, technique and innovative entertainment using traditional Jazz movement. 


YOUTH DANCER OF THE YEAR - The dancer (under the age of 18) that has consistently exhibited an immense amount of hard work, dedication, growth and perseverance throughout the 2024 calendar year.


CREATIVE DIGITAL CONTENT - The dance professional or group that produces the most creative and high quality digital content across all social media platforms and/or company or personal websites.


OUTSTANDING BALLET CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits creativity, technique and innovative entertainment using traditional Ballet movement.


CHOREOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR The dance professional, no matter the age or dance genre, that has consistently created strong, innovative and entertaining choreographic pieces throughout the 2024 calendar year.


OUTSTANDING COLLABORATION - The collaborative piece between two (or more) individual choreographers or two (or more) artistic groups.


BEST ARTISTIC DIRECTION The dance professional, no matter the age or dance genre, that has consistently created strong, innovative and entertaining live performances throughout the 2024 calendar year. Overseeing all aspects of the production; including but not limited to selecting the choreographic pieces used, recruiting dancers, setting production schedules and wardrobe. 


OUTSTANDING CONTEMPORARY CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that expresses fluid and innovative technique using Contemporary movement.


LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The dance professional that has consistently exhibited an immense amount of hard work, dedication and growth within their personal dance career; as well as, created a deep impact within either their dance group, studio and/or RVA dance community. (Nominee must be still living and over the age of 30.)


OUTSTANDING HEELS CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that expresses fluid and innovative technique using a dynamic combination of footwork & technique using jazz movement and latin ballroom elements.


BEST STUDIO PERFORMANCE COMPANY - The competition-based, youth, dance group that best showcases your studio performances during the 2024 year; in any or multiple genre(s).


OUTSTANDING LYRICAL CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits a creative mixture of Jazz and Ballet technique using lyrical movement.


OUTSTANDING MUSICAL THEATRE CHOREOGRAPHY -  The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits a creative mixture of jazz-based movement with Broadway style dancing and music.  Emphasis on performance skills such as connecting with the audience and facial expressions. 


DANCE INSTRUCTOR OF THE YEARThis professional dance instructor has the ability to train students in proper dance technique, holds the ability to engage their classes using innovative teaching methods and impact dancers through positivity, encouragement and progressive movement. (Nominee must be over the age of 19)


BEST TAP CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits creativity, musicality and innovation using tap movement.  


COMMUNITY DANCER AWARD The dance professional that has consistently made significant contributions to the RVA dance community through their time, actions, support, talents, dedication and creativity. 


OUTSTANDING FREESTYLE DANCER - The dance professional that consistently exhibits the most entertaining dance improvisation using spontaneous movement of their individual body.  Within the hip hop genre, this dancer has the ability to bring any style of music to life using their creativity, originality, musicality.


OUTSTANDING HIP HOP CHOREOGRAPHY - The choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits creativity, musicality and innovation using hip hop movement. 


BEST LATIN DANCE STUDIOThe latin based, dance studio or program that provides quality dance instruction and educates through proper technique training and partnership.


BEST BALLROOM DANCE STUDIO - The dance studio that focuses on ballroom style dances, providing quality dance instruction and educates through proper technique and partnership.


OUTSTANDING AFRICAN CHOREOGRAPHY - he choreographed piece (and choreographer) that exhibits creativity, musicality and innovation using African dance movement; including but not limited to the sub-genres of West African, South African, AfroBeat, Nigerian, and others.


BEST DANCE FITNESS STUDIO/INSTRUCTOR - The fitness based dance studio or program instructor that provides quality and creative fitness instruction through a fun and effective workout system.  


BEST DANCE PHOTOGRAPHER - The individual photographer that creates the most elegant, energetic and/or dramatic photography that is both visually stunning, captures the study of dance movement and conveys the skill of their graceful subjects.



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